Halloween pumpkin: All you need to know about this typical symbol of Halloween - Unifury

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Halloween pumpkin: All you need to know about this typical symbol of Halloween


The Halloween pumpkin, often referred to as a "jack-o'-lantern," is an iconic symbol associated with the spooky holiday celebrated on October 31st. 

This article delves deep into the history and significance of this emblematic figure. Why, one might wonder, have pumpkins become synonymous with Halloween celebrations? What do they symbolize, and how did their carved, illuminated visages become a staple of the season? 

From understanding the various types of pumpkins used during Halloween to practical tips on carving, lighting, and storing them, this comprehensive guide covers it all. It also provides insights into the economic aspect, highlighting the expenditure on pumpkins during the festive season. 

Additionally, readers will learn about the best time to pick pumpkins, ways to make them last longer, and even culinary uses post-celebration. 

Join us as we explore the fascinating world of the Halloween pumpkin, a tradition rooted in ancient customs yet ever-evolving in modern times.

Why do we use pumpkins to celebrate Halloween?

The Halloween pumpkin tradition originates from ancient Celtic customs. Originally, faces were carved into turnips during the festival of Samhain to ward off spirits. When Irish immigrants arrived in America, they switched to using the more abundant and easily carved pumpkins.

The Halloween pumpkin is more than just festive decor. It symbolizes the memory of lost souls. Its glowing face serves as a beacon, honoring and remembering those who have passed away. Essentially, it connects the living with the spiritual realm during this significant occasion.


Halloween pumpkin symbolizes the memory of lost souls and hold Halloween spirits

What types of pumpkins are used for Halloween?

Halloween pumpkins come in a variety of types, each boasting a unique shape suitable for different decoration purposes. Among these, Autumn Gold is celebrated for its early harvest and vibrant color, while Jack-Be-Little is a miniature pumpkin perfect for small displays. 


Jack-be-little Pumpkin

The Atlantic Giant is known for its impressive size, and the Warty Goblin features a distinct, textured surface. Dark Knight, Marina Di Chioggia, and Gladiator pumpkins are prized for their unique shapes and colors, offering aesthetic diversity. Casper pumpkins stand out with their white hue, and Fairytale pumpkins are noted for their picturesque, ribbed surfaces. 


Atlantic Giant Pumpkin


Dark Knight Pumpkin

Marina Di Chioggia Pumpkin


Gladiator pumpkin


Casper Pumpkin


Fairytale Pumpkin

Besides that, the Howden Field pumpkin, developed in the 1970s, stands as the industry standard for jack-o'-lanterns due to its uniform shape and size, making it a favorite choice for Halloween decorations. Each type of pumpkin offers a distinct aesthetic, catering to a range of creative expressions during the Halloween season.


Howden Field Pumpkin

How much money is spent on pumpkins for Halloween? 

The expenditure on Halloween pumpkins is influenced by various factors including the type and size of the pumpkins chosen. In 2022, the average cost of a Halloween pumpkin was approximately 5.4 U.S. dollars. 

Consumers' spending on these seasonal decorations is contingent upon individual budgets, the available garden or display area, and the size of the household. Thus, the total money spent on Halloween pumpkins can vary significantly from one household to another, with choices being influenced by both aesthetic preferences and budgetary constraints.


The average cost of a Halloween pumpkin was approximately 5.4 U.S. dollars in 2022

When is the best time to pick pumpkins for Halloween?

Pumpkins for Halloween should ideally be harvested before the onset of the first hard frost, usually occurring in late September or early October. It is essential to ensure that the pumpkins' rinds are hard and have attained their full color, indicating that they are ripe and ready for use. 

These criteria are vital in selecting pumpkins that will not only last through the Halloween season but also be easy to carve and display. By adhering to this timeline and these physical characteristics, individuals can secure the best quality Halloween pumpkins for their festive decorations.

Late September or early October is the ideal time to pick Halloween Pumpkin

Where to buy Halloween pumpkins?

Halloween pumpkins can be purchased from a variety of locations, ensuring accessibility for individuals preparing for the festive season. Local grocery stores often stock a selection of pumpkins in various sizes and types. Or you can buy at large supermarkets like Walmart or on e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Websites selling Halloween decorations. Farmers' markets are another excellent source, offering freshly harvested pumpkins and an opportunity to support local agriculture. 

For those interested in a more hands-on experience, visiting a pumpkin patch allows buyers to pick their own pumpkins directly from the field, ensuring freshness and quality. 


You can buy Halloween pumpkins at Pumpkin farm

How to carve Halloween pumpkins?

Carving Halloween pumpkins is a time-honored tradition, integral to the festive atmosphere of the season. The custom originates from the belief in warding off evil spirits, transforming the pumpkin into a protective emblem. To ensure freshness and vibrancy, it's advisable to carve pumpkins close to Halloween, typically in late October. 

To carve a Halloween pumpkin, one begins by selecting a ripe pumpkin, removing the top, and hollowing out the interior. A design is then drawn or stenciled onto the surface, and carefully cut out to create a silhouette, which is then illuminated from within by placing a light source inside, casting an eerie yet inviting glow that epitomizes the spirit of Halloween.


Carving Halloween Pumpkin

How to store Halloween pumpkins?

Storing Halloween pumpkins properly can ensure they remain fresh and vibrant throughout the season. Here are some effective methods to prolong the life of your pumpkins:

  • Storing Your Pumpkin: Whether your pumpkin is carved or intact, it's essential to store it correctly. Exposure to warm temperatures and direct sunlight can hasten its decay. It's best to keep pumpkins in a cool, dry environment. Ideal places include a cool basement or even a refrigerator. Storing them in such conditions when they're not being displayed can significantly extend their freshness.
  • Keeping Squirrels at Bay: One common challenge faced by many is the pesky squirrel, attracted to the soft flesh of the pumpkin. An effective deterrent is to sprinkle spices with capsaicin, such as red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper, around and on your pumpkins. This spicy deterrent is usually enough to keep the squirrels away.
  • Preserving Your Carved Pumpkin: To ensure your carved Halloween pumpkin lasts longer, consider giving it a bleach bath. Simply submerge the pumpkin in a mixture of water and 2/3 cup of bleach for up to 24 hours. This not only cleans the pumpkin but also slows down the decaying process.

Keep the squirrels away from Halloween Pumpkin

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Halloween pumpkins remain a delightful part of your celebrations for as long as possible.

What to do with old pumpkins after Halloween?

A typical Halloween pumpkin, once carved, has a lifespan of about three to five days. After this period, it starts to decay and lose its freshness. 

For pumpkins that haven't undergone chemical treatments, there are various sustainable methods to give them a second life. One can bury them in the garden, turning them into a natural fertilizer that enriches the soil with vital nutrients. These pumpkins can also serve as a tasty treat for backyard birds and chickens. Additionally, their seeds can be dried and consumed as a nutritious snack. And while Halloween pumpkins might not be the most flavorful, they can be transformed into a wholesome pumpkin soup.


Feed Halloween pumpkin left for birds

What not to do with your leftover pumpkin?

After the Halloween festivities, it's essential to dispose of your Halloween pumpkin responsibly. Firstly, it's advisable not to let the pumpkin rot in your garden or yard. If left for too long, a decaying pumpkin can attract pests, which might disrupt and harm your garden's ecosystem. Additionally, while it might seem like a natural choice, you shouldn't leave pumpkins in woods or wild areas. 

Consuming these pumpkins can be harmful to wild animals, potentially causing them to fall ill. In essence, while the Halloween pumpkin plays a significant role in our celebrations, it's crucial to ensure its disposal does not negatively impact our environment or wildlife.


Do not leave pumpkins in wild areas to avoid animals being poisoned when they eat them


The Halloween pumpkin, or "jack-o'-lantern," is more than just a festive decoration. It carries with it a rich tapestry of history, symbolism, and cultural significance. From its ancient Celtic origins to its modern-day practices, the pumpkin remains a central figure in Halloween celebrations. As we carve, display, and eventually dispose of these pumpkins, it's essential to understand and appreciate the deeper meanings and responsibilities attached to this iconic symbol of Halloween.

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